shoshanastreetprod25 באוג׳ 2020זמן קריאה 4 דקותTEVYE TAKES REVENGEJust like Am Yisrael was transformed from an oppressed and downtrodden people in exile into a powerful nation in its own Homeland, Tevye,...
shoshanastreetprod25 באוג׳ 2020זמן קריאה 13 דקותTHE LION'S ROARWe can learn not only from Rabbi Kook's writings, but also from his words and deeds. Time after time, he valiantly stood up to the...
shoshanastreetprod25 באוג׳ 2020זמן קריאה 14 דקותSLAUGHTER THE JEWSSLAUGHTER THE JEWS! Here is an excerpt from my novel, “Arise and Shine!” describing the slaughter of Tevye’s daughter, Hava, during the...